03 Oct

Supporting dynamic learning

The 'Killarney Heights Public School supporting dynamic learning' (5 mins 23 sec) journey shows the impact of innovative teaching practice to engage students and to foster future-focused skills.Transcript of 'Killarney Heights Public School supporting dynamic learning' video

The journey

At Killarney Network Secondary College , we have a collective vision for future-focused learning and teaching. The school leadership team have supported our teachers to implement a repertoire of teaching strategies that are evidenced based and future-focused. Two pilot flexible learning spaces have been designed to enhance the authentic learning of our students and to build their skills and capabilities for today and for their future.

Throughout the change process, teacher practice has been supported through professional dialogue, visits to other schools, teacher professional learning in future-focused practice, innovation tours and visits to the Futures Learning concept space at Australia Technology Park. Research has been reviewed and community consultation has taken place with teachers, parents and students to support the innovation.

Our pilot study has shown that students have an increased sense of agency and autonomy over their learning and this is resulting in increased engagement. Teachers are engaging in deep reflective practice. Observation and feedback from students is demonstrating that the new spaces are enabling students to experience high levels of success in the areas of collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and problem solving.

Resources on Yammer

For access to extra resources relating to this journey and others, join the Futures Learning journeys Yammer group

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